Did You About Golconda Fort In Hyderabad Telangana?

Golconda (also spell Golkonda) Fort was the capital of the of Golconda kingdom which established between 14th to 16th century. It is located at Ibrahim Bagh and 11 kilometers from Hyderabad city, capital of Telangana. With walls height from 17 to 34 feet broken by 87 semi-circular supports, some wall reaching 60 feet in height, and constructed on a granite hill that is approx 400 feet high, it come in one of India’s most magnificent fort complex. I think, everyone known about Kohinoor Diamond. But did anyone know where it was placed in India? Kohinoor Diamond, expect Diamonds and other diamonds were once in this Golconda Fort. Golconda was famous for Diamond business.

Golconda Fort tourist destination in Hyderabad Telangana

Golconda fort has a very wonderful architecture and it is one of the most popular historical places in India. Many tourists come from different regions of the India and world. Visitors love to visit this historical place. After the charminar in Hyderabad, Golconda Fort is the 2nd most popular place of Hyderabad. In vacations too many visitors came in Hyderabad to see Golconda Fort and Char Minar. It is popular for system of acoustics-science. It means anyone hand clap at any point below the dome can be hare at the top point of the Fort. It was very helpful when anybody attacks on this Golconda Fort.
Light and sound show in Golconda Fort

Timing:   9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 
Entry fee of Golconda Fort: -   Indians:- Rs 10 and for  foreigners 150 Per person  
Light & sound Show :- 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Rs 50 per person 

*Please confirm Timing and fee through from local authorities 
Did You About Golconda Fort In Hyderabad Telangana? shahid ali khan 5 of 5
Golconda (also spell Golkonda) Fort was the capital of the of Golconda kingdom which established between 14th to 16th century. It is l...

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